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The Recreator 3D Mission Statement and Goals 2022


2022 will be The Year of Recycling and Reclaiming that wasted resource you've already paid for!


Trying to keep things from leaving my house...I'll explore if a $500 budget Shredder is an inexpensive first and next step into refining your waste of varying materials, from your recycling bin!

Is this more sustainable to you as a consumer; who paid money towards that packaging, to continue to throw that money away? Or can it be profitable to reclaim within your house, rather than recycling or throwing it out? 

Most of all 3D printers are the same thing. I don’t want to see the market 100% flooded and over-saturated. 3D Printers will become the next items left out with our trash. How can we reclaim this e-waste and think what else it can do? 

With a $500 shredder as the first step, Custom 3D Desktop Filament Extruder for under $500, and a Table Top Injection Molder kit for under $500.  

Why spend $1,500 on yet another 3D Printer that does that same stuff as the rest? When instead you can invest the same money into Home Recycling - and start reclaiming those failed wasted prints, most #'s from your Recycling Bin, and thinking about our Cardboard in varying molds, casting, and fueling options.

Stepping to the side of 3D printing while still utilizing it as a tool, we can expand into Injection Molding...and further expand and refine our home production needs. We can reuse our waste, which has a factor of the cost you've paid for putting into it. Why throw that out? You spent good money on filament, but had a spaghetti monster overnight. Why throw that out? 

It's time to look at how we as a culture treat plastic and our trash, before easily consumed by it. I think of the movie Wall-E, let's start to clean up our mess before we have to leave it to the robots.  



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