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RMRRF is in its first year! April 22-23 2023 has secured a sponsored table and is pleased to have the project represented by Ben Klotz, the Director of Innovation @ COLORADO EARLY COLLEGES FORT COLLINS 


With his help from a couple students who have used The Recreator3D within their community, they will be ambassadors for the project at RMRRF. 

Make sure to swing by and see what they are Recreating!

Rocky Mountain Reprap Festival 2023 is a 3D printer convention and invites makers, vendors and the public to explore the 3d printing world.

 "My students and I came across the Recreator3d project while brainstorming ways to cut down on our 3d printer waste. 

Having experienced a very steep learning curve with shredding and trying to consistently extrude PLA, we were so excited to learn about PET pultrusion! 

We held a small ceremony of appreciation for one of the Ender 3s in our makerspace and eagerly got to work cannibalizing parts to build up an MK5 machine. Once it was built and we began pulling filament, the MK5 was a HUGE hit among staff and students alike! Students from our middle school absolutely loved colorizing the strips of filament, our high schoolers were mesmerized by watching the machine work, and staff found the prospect of being able to print a bottle out of....well, bottles to be quite hilarious. The next natural step was to build another, of course. Next stop: Mk6 Fun Size build! 

      To celebrate our success and spread the word about the Recreator 3d project, we signed up for a table at the Inaugural RMMF, which was fortuitously being held right down the road from us. We reached out to Josh to let him know that we wanted to show off the project at the festival, and he graciously sponsored a table in a prime location. Nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming positive response we got! So many people were delighted to see a pultrusion machine in person rather than on the internet, and many were just tickled that plastic that would most likely end up in a landfill could be repurposed as something new. 


The most fulfilling part of this whole experience has been the community surrounding the Recreator3d project, and the additive manufacturing community overall. Never have I been part of a hobby with more encouraging, helpful, collaborative, and kind people. My students and I are so grateful for that. To borrow a quote from Josh, 

"Happy Recreating" everyone!"  



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