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PetBot Kit


The Recreator 3D was conceived during my purchase of a PetBot Unit in July of 2021. Being a proud first USA owner and Promoter of the PetBot...there's some awesome news!

I'm happy to be able to help Cross-Promote the PetBot here in The Recreator 3D community. A newly redesigned and self assembly kit is now available to purchase:

For anyone having a hard time finding parts for The Recreator 3D - or anyone looking for a fully ready parts kit, The PetBot Assembly Kit is now another option to help you recycle plastic bottles into usable 3D Filament!

You can also reach out to Roman Neskashev for further sales info.

We talked with Roman throughout the year sharing advice and ideas about where PetBot could go as a company. Working towards making his design better, cheaper, and with easier shipping methods around the world. This reduced his shipping costs and the overall cost of the machine 50% from when I purchased it personally.

Very proud to have consulted Roman and to see him be able to achieve this goal and share PET1 Pultrusion with even more people globally.



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