Many people wanted to get JRT3D.com and Recreator3D.com to MRRF2022. Unfortunately it happened within only 10 days from the event. While I wasn’t able to attend, I was able to get a Recreator 3D into Gary’s hands who was able to represent Recreator 3D.
The offer was extended from the majority of the original supporters to attend ERRF2022. It was several months away allowing for proper time to gather things for the table and promotions. With the help of the following Sponsors, JRT3D.com and Recreator3D.com were able to attend their first 3D Printer show!
BIG THANKS TO: Polymaker, LDO Motors, ShakaWorld, BV3D, 3D Printing Nerd, Chris’ Basement, Rob Mink, 3D Printy, XViCO, Conscious Technologies LLC, Always Tinker and The Recreator 3D Community and my Family!