The Recretor3D was made with inspirations to help recycle and create new things from waste that would otherwise become trash.
If you own a 3D Printer, then you should have a Recreator3D right next to it!
Help reduce the carbon foot print!
Reduce, Reuse, Recreate!
"One Man's Rubbish is Another's Treasure"
- Hector Urquhart

Green Canada Dry Soda Bottle, The Recreator 3D,
Gary Anderson's Recycle Logo - Printed with the same Bottle!
Reference (from Right to Left)
Below you'll find a summary of Reason and Inspiration why The Recreator 3D has been created. I hope to inspire a new Generation among our increasing technologies that will help save our planet - one Soda Bottle at a time.

The original recycling symbol was designed in 1970 by Gary Anderson.
The iconic recycling logo has become an internationally recognized standard. When you see the three arrows, you know exactly what it means.
Mark Wilson at FastCoDesign deems it "a design classic that ranks with the Coca-Cola and Nike marks, for sheer ubiquity."
Each of the three arrows can represent one step in a three-step process that forms a closed loop, the recycling loop.
The first step represents collection of materials to be recycled. This step takes place when recyclable materials are placed into the curbside recycling bin or taken to a local collection center. The collected materials are cleaned and sorted for reuse.
The manufacturing process is the second arrow in the recycling symbol. The recyclable materials are manufactured into new products for retail or commercial sale.
The third step is the actual purchase and use of the products made from the recycled materials.
The loop is now complete.
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IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE THAT RECYCLING enthusiasts may grow a little misty-eyed when they remember the early and mid-1990s. No, they probably wouldn't be weeping nostalgic tears for the heyday of “Friends” or “Seinfeld,” or Americans' 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week obsession with all things O.J. Simpson. Instead, they would be remembering a time when Americans greeted recycling with a warm embrace instead of an indifferent shrug.
In just one dramatic example, the recycling rate for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers stood at 39.7 percent in 1995, according to the National Association for PET Container Resources. By 2003, the rate had tumbled to 19.6 percent before increasing two percentage points last year (see related story on p. 10).
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1992 : Total number of curbside programs in the US grows to a total of 5,404, a growth of 4,354 programs in only 4 years!
1995 : Americans recycle a record 47.6 billion soft drink containers, an increase of 500 million over the previous year. Aluminum cans are recycled at a rate of 63% in the U.S. with the highest state-wide rate in California at 80%.
There are more than 10,000 recycling centers nationwide and at least 4,000 curbside collection programs.
U.S. collection grows from 1.2 billion cans in 1972 to more than 62 billion cans in 1995 through curbside recycling programs and more than 10,000 recycling centers.
2018 : China Import Ban
China enforced several import bans in 2018 that resulted in significant shifts in the recycling industry. January 1st, 2018: China bans imports of 24 categories of Recyclable Materials. March 1st, 2018: China announces the quality standard that scrap material imports must meet from now on, a 0.5% contamination standard for plastics and fibers. As of Dec 31st, 2018 – 16 more "solid waste" scrap materials were banned from importing. The ban of 16 more will go into effect as of December 31st, 2019. With these import bans, the opportunity arises for western world countries to create better recycling practices at home. Hopefully we will see less contamination of recyclable materials as a result.
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Will.i.am aims to shake up 3D printing with Coca-Cola branded Ekocycle Cube

"We will make it cool to recycle, and we will make it cool to make products using recycled materials," said Will.i.am in a statement.
"This is the beginning of a more sustainable 3D-printed lifestyle.
Waste is only waste if we waste it."
Sadly this unit was never what it was marketed as...
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3D Printing Using E-Waste
Electronic waste is (literally) a mounting crisis in Africa.
Digital dumps made of junk phones, computers and TVs shipped mostly from richer Western countries are growing across Africa, burned producing unhealthy and hazardous gasses.
The problem is only getting worse.
Fortunately, though, there are those working at a community level to raise awareness about e-waste and put it to some good use.
An innovative lab in Lomé, the capital city of Togo in West Africa, is one such group. They’ve created the first “Made in Africa” 3D printer using e-waste.
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Non-Profit that is turning is turning plastic waste into something useful
Sophia Lacroix and Kai Chen, Grade 11 students at Bishop James Mahoney High School, are using a Russian-built machine to turn plastic bottles into filament for 3D printers, and founded SK Eco Solutions to make the material available at no cost to schools and other educational institutions.
The two students were tired of quarantine last spring and were brainstorming different ideas about things they could do. They landed on "Project PET" (PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, the plastic used in bottles) and started their non-profit.
The extruder they are using is manufactured by NovaTech, a Russian company. After receiving grants from EcoFriendly Sask and the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation, the two were able to purchase a PETBOT machine from the manufacturer.
"The biggest hurdle we had to get over was finding the machine," Lacroix said.
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